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The Wisest Man brings the eternal wisdom of "Ecclesiastes" to modern life. It will help anyone begin from a better starting point. As the famous physicist Sir Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

The wisest Man – King Solomon's Advice for managers

A manager often confronts various challenges and his work is often demanding. His management capability and leadership ability are put to the test on a daily basis, whether it is within the organization or in the competitive environment surrounding him. These all require him to be a consummate professional—focused, yet still sensitive to his surroundings, to his family, and to his employees. Today's manager has a wide range of professional literature at his disposal, but he also requires some sources of inspiration at the same time.

Such is the The Wisest Man, follows the path of the ancient book of Ecclesiastes. It applies the advice of King Solomon, who tradition holds is responsible for writing the book, to the language and world of modern management, and gives the manager tools and ideas to deal with daily realities.This unique integration earns this book a place on the desk of any manager or in the library of any individual.

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