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I would like to express thanks to all of my administrators, colleagues, subordinates, family members, friends, and those around me in the past and present. Each and every one of them have taught me something, and I am forever indebted to them for it. Many of the insights in this book came from them.

Thanks to all who reviewed the manuscript for this book and offered suggestions and words of enlightenment.

Many thanks to my wife Chani without whose support this book never would have been published.

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to my children—Yaniv, Yair, Yael and Noam—who agreed to make do with a little less daddy time during the writing of this book and were the source of inspiration for many of the interpretations in it.

I wholeheartedly thank "Yediot Sfarim" and the following people; thanks to them this book is published:

Editor in charge: Dov Eichenwald

Judaism domain Editor: Amichai Berholz

Editor: Galya Hipsh

Proof: Matat Eshet

Book Design: Studio Dov Abramson

Boards: Amit Digital

Printing: Toprint

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